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Hi, everybody. My name is Alisha. Welcome back to Top Words. Today, we're going to talk about 10 Phrasal Verbs for Sports and Exercise. So, let's go.
"Go long." The first word is "go long." We use this word when we're playing catch or when we're throwing a ball. So, "go long" means -- we combine the word "go" with the word "long," meaning run far away from me, run a long distance away from me. So, "go" is travel, move and "long" is a long distance away. So, go long. We'll usually shout this before we pass a football, for example, and before we throw a ball. "Go long" means I want to throw this a long distance. So, "Please run far, far away and I will throw the ball to you." So, nice one. In a sentence, "I'm going to pass this next one to you, so go long."
"Try out for." The next phrasal verb is "try out for." We use "try out for" to mean audition like in sports, but to audition for a team, to apply to be a member of a team. When you do that, you usually have to show your sporting experience or you have to show your athletic ability. So, "to try out for" is like a test to join a team. Like, "I want to try out for the volleyball team next year." Or, "She says she's going to try out for golf next year." Or, "Have you thought about trying out for the swim team?" for example. So, to try out for a team, to try out for a sport. This is how we can use "try out for."
"Work up." The next phrasal verb is "work up," as in "work up a sweat." We use "work up a sweat" to mean cause your body to sweat because of exercise. So, by doing something active, like doing sports or running, for example, anything active with your body, we cause our bodies to sweat. And we use the expression "work up a sweat" to express that. We use "work" because we are working and we are moving our bodies. We're active. We are working our bodies. Our bodies are working. They're moving, they're functioning. So, we use "work up a sweat." Our bodies are working and the temperature maybe increases, so our body starts to sweat to try to cool us down. So, we say "work up a sweat" to describe this. In some example sentences, "I try to work up a sweat at least twice a week." Or, "How often do you work up a sweat?" Or, "It feels really good to work up a good sweat now and then, yeah?"
"Root for." The next expression is "root for." We use "root for" at sporting events. So, "root for" means support a team. So, to "root for," like, "I'm going to root for the football team." Or, "I'm going to root for my country's team." Or, "I'm going to root for my city's team." "Root for" means support. So, "I like to root for my college team every year." Or, "I like to root for my college football team every year." That's true. Or, "Which team do you want to root for this weekend?"
"Work off." The next phrasal verb is "work off." So, we talked about "work up" like "work up a sweat." But here, the word is "work off." We usually use this to talk about calories. So, "I want to work off the cheesecake I ate for a dessert last night." Or, "I want to work off the burrito I had for lunch today." "Work off" means a food you ate. We use the word "work off" to mean work our bodies as in work through exercise, and work off. So, we want to take off from our bodies the calories we added to it by eating. So, example sentences would be, "Yeah. I want to work off the cheesecake I ate last night. I want to work off all the pizza that I ate last weekend." Or, "Do you want to come with me? I'm going to go work off all of these ice creams I've been eating lately." for example. So, "work off" means to exercise with the intention of taking off or taking away calories from food. So, if you're dieting or if you're trying to become healthy or you just want to exercise away some extra calories, you can use the expression "work off." To work off a food, to work off some calories. Okay.
"Cheer on/cheer for." The next expression or maybe a pair of expressions is "cheer on" or "cheer for." So, I talked about the word "root for" and "cheer on and cheer for" are very similar. We use them in pretty much the same way. So, we use "cheer on" usually before a team name like, "I'm going to cheer on my high school team." Or, "I'm going to cheer on my son or daughter's team this weekend." We can also use "cheer for." "I'm going to cheer for my high school team. I'm going to cheer for my college team." Because we're using the word "cheer," it sounds like we're going to use our voice or use our bodies to support that team. You can maybe see a great example of this among cheerleaders.
So, you see cheerleaders a lot in movies, especially from the USA. There are men and women actually but they wear a uniform and their role, their purpose is to help the audience cheer for that team, to cheer for the team that they are connected to. So, a cheerleader is a person who leads cheering at a sporting event. So, to cheer for someone or to cheer on someone, a team. We can use "cheer on" and "cheer for" to talk about supporting with your voice or with some kind of dance, for example. So, "cheer on" and "cheer for" are really fun things that you can use to talk about supporting your favorite teams.
"Knock out." The next expression is "knock out." Or you might see KO as well. "Knock out" means to, usually through a punch or through some kind of physical action, to cause someone to lose consciousness. So, it doesn't mean to kill someone. It doesn't mean someone dies, for example. It means to cause someone to become unconscious. So, unconscious, it's like going to sleep but it's dangerous. Because of a head injury, usually, a person goes unconscious or they fall asleep. It appears they fall asleep, but you see this in boxing, for example. A knockout, a KO is someone, yeah, becomes maybe unconscious. So, big fall down, for example, and they don't get back up. That's a KO, to knockout your opponent.
So, we see this a lot in boxing, perhaps in other sports occasionally, but I think primarily, it's used in boxing. So, to knockout your opponent or like, "He's going to try to knock out his opponent in the last round." Or, "Did you see that guy get knocked out last night?" You can use "knock out" outside of sports, but it's usually used for fights like, "I saw a guy get knocked out outside the bar last night." We can use this outside of sports but it's usually for like fighting situations.
Okay. "Work out." The next phrasal verb is "work out." This is one that many people seem to struggle with when they see it. So, it does not mean it has no connection to actually working. "To work out" means to exercise. We use this as a set phrase, work out. It means exercise. That's it. So, "I want to work out three times a week." Or, "I went to the gym for a workout last night." Or, "Do you want to work out with me this weekend?" "Work out" means exercise always.
"Warm up." The next expression is "warm up." So, "warm," meaning warm your body. So, increase your body's temperature. And "up," meaning to increase something again. So, "warm," becoming warm and up temperature, like increasing temperature. So, before you begin some kind of exercise or some activity, it's common to begin with a warm up, a short kind of easy exercise to prepare your body to work out, to exercise. So, a warm up is often included in an exercise routine. "Warm up" is the phrasal verb we use. So, example sentences, "I like to do a five-minute warm up before I go jogging." Or, "What do you usually do for your warm up?" Or, "I think it's really important to do a warm up before you start working out.
"Cool down." All right, the last one for today is "cool down." "Cool down" is really the opposite of "warm up." So, we use "warm up" to explain raising our body's temperature before we do a workout. "Cool down" is used to explain cooling the body's temperature after a workout, reducing our energy levels after a workout. For example, "I think it's important to take five minutes to cool down after your workout." Or, "What kind of things do you recommend for cooling down after your exercise?"
All right, so those are 10 phrasal verbs that you can use when talking about sports and when talking about exercise. I hope that those are useful for you. Thanks very much for watching this episode of Top Words and I will see you again soon. Bye.

