
Vocabulary (Review)

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Imagine you're on a plane. Your seatmate wants to know where you're from. What do you say?
Hi. Alisha here.
There's no need to worry. In this lesson you'll learn how easy it is to tell somebody where you're from!
Gustavo and Anna are having just this kind of conversations as their plane lands in New York City.
Let’s watch.
Gustavo: Excuse me, but is that the Statue of Liberty?
Anna: Yes, that's right.
Gustavo: So, are you from New York?
Anna: Yes, I am. And you? Where are you from?
Gustavo: I'm from Brazil.
Anna: Really? So, are you from Rio?
Gustavo: : No, I'm not. I'm from São Paulo.
Anna: Oh, São Paulo?
Now, with subtitles!
Gustavo: Excuse me, but is that the Statue of Liberty?
Anna: Yes, that's right.
Gustavo: So, are you from New York?
Anna: Yes, I am. And you? Where are you from?
Gustavo: I'm from Brazil.
Anna: Really? So, are you from Rio?
Gustavo: : No, I'm not. I'm from São Paulo.
Anna: Oh, São Paulo?
Here are the key words from the scene.
Brandon: but (slow) but
Brandon: that (slow) that
Brandon: Statue of Liberty (slow) Statue of Liberty
Brandon: That's right. (slow) That's right.
Brandon: Brazil (slow) Brazil
Brandon: Excuse me. (slow) Excuse me.
Brandon: so (slow) so
Phrase and Usage
Alisha: In the scene, you heard Anna express surprise over something Gustavo said. What did she say?
Brandon: Really?
Alisha: This is a common short expression meaning, “Is it true?” or “Are you being serious?” It should be said with a rising tone.
Brandon: Really?
Alisha: Now you try! Say this expression after Gustavo speaks.
(freeze action, cue for viewer to speak)
Brandon: Really?
Alisha: In the scene, Anna replied to a question about where she was from. What did she say?
ANNA: Yes, I am.
Alisha: At the core of this expression is a short version of the expression
Brandon: I am from New York.
Alisha: First is the word
Brandon: I
Alisha: Next is the first person singular of the verb “to be”
Brandon: am
Alisha: Together it’s
Brandon: I am.
Alisha: Because its in response to a question, you don’t need to say
Brandon: from New York,
Alisha: This is understood from context. The entire response to the question is
Brandon: Yes, I am.
Alisha: First is the word
Brandon: yes
Alisha: After this is the core phrase.
Brandon: I am.
Alisha: Together it’s
Brandon: Yes, I am.
Alisha: Imagine you’re from New York. Try to answer Gustavo’s question
GUSTAVO: Are you from New York?
Brandon: (freeze action, cue for viewer to speak). Yes, I am.
Alisha: In the scene, Gustavo replied to a question from Anna in a way that indicated he wasn't from Rio. What did he say?
GUSTAVO: No, I'm not.
Alisha: At the core of this response is a short version of the expression, “I am not from Rio.”
Brandon: I’m not.
Alisha: First is the contracted form of the phrase “I am.”
Brandon: I’m
Alisha: After this is the word
Brandon: not
Alisha: Together, it’s
Brandon: I’m not.
Alisha: Because its in response to a question, you don’t need to say
Brandon: from Rio
Alisha: This is understood from context. The entire response to the question is
Brandon: No, I’m not.
Alisha: First is the word
Brandon: No
Alisha: After this is the core phrase
Brandon: I’m not.
Alisha: Together it’s
Brandon: No, I’m not.
Alisha: Now imagine you’re not from Rio. Answer Ann’s question.
ANNA: Are you from Rio? (Freeze Action, Cue for viewer to speak)
Brandon: No, I’m not.
Alisha: In the scene, Anna answered a question, and then used a short phrase to ask Gustavo the same thing. What was this short phrase?
Brandon: And you?
Alisha: First is the word
Brandon: and
Alisha: After this is the word
Brandon: you
Alisha: Together it’s
Brandon: And you?
Alisha: This expression allows you to ask the same question someone has just asked you. Please note that this is said with a rising intonation.
Brandon: And you?
Alisha: Now, use the phrase to ask Gustavo the same question after he speaks.
Anna: Yes, I am. (freeze action, cue for viewer to speak)
Brandon: And you?
Alisha: Do you remember how Gustavo explained where he was from?
GUSTAVO: I’m from São Paulo.
Alisha: First is a contraction, meaning “I am.”
Brandon: I’m
Alisha: Next is the word
Brandon: from
Alisha: And last is a place name.
Brandon: São Paulo
Alisha: Together it’s
Brandon: I'm from São Paulo.
Alisha: The structure is
Brandon: I’m from
Alisha: plus the place name. You can use it with cities, countries, or even with regions. Imagine your hometown is Shanghai. What would you say? {pause, cue to speak}
Brandon: I’m from Shanghai.
Alisha: Now imagine you’re from Egypt. What would you say?
Brandon: I’m from Egypt.
Alisha: Do you remember how Anna asked Gustavo if he was from Rio de Janeiro?
Brandon: Are you from Rio?
Alisha: First is the second-person singular form of the verb “to be.”
Brandon: are
Alisha: Next is the word
Brandon: you
Alisha: After this is the word
Brandon: from
Alisha: And last is a city name.
Brandon: Rio
Alisha: Together it’s
Brandon: Are you from Rio?
Alisha: The structure is
Brandon: Are you from
Alisha: plus a place name. It’s similar to the above expression
Brandon: I’m from São Paulo.
Alisha: except that the verb “to be” which has been contracted with the word
Brandon: I
Alisha: to make
Brandon: I’m
Alisha: has been moved to the beginning of the sentence, and put in the second person, along with the subject.
Brandon: Are you from Rio?
Alisha: Now, imagine you meet someone on the plane. Ask him or her if he or she is from Los Angeles. {pause, cue for viewer to speak}
Brandon: Are you from Los Angeles?
Alisha: Now imagine you meet someone with an Australian accent. Ask him or her if he or she is from Australia. {pause, cue for viewer to speak}
Brandon: Are you from Australia?
Alisha: Now, if you have no idea where someone's from, you can ask
Brandon: Where are you from?
Alisha: In this case, the place name has been removed, and the sentence starts with
Brandon: where
Alisha: It’s also said with a different intonation. Together it’s
Brandon: Where are you from?
Alisha: Imagine you meet someone new, but have no idea where they’re from. Ask them where they’re from.
Brandon: Where are you from?
Alisha: You are at a party and meet an American woman. After introducing yourselves, you want to talk about where you're from. Ready? Here we go.
Alisha: How do you ask if she's from New York?
(5 second pause)
Brandon: Are you from New York?
Alisha: If she says no, how would you ask where she's from?
(5 second pause)
Brandon: Where are you from?
Alisha: And if she asked you this question, how would you respond?
Anna: Where are you from?
(5 second pause)
Brandon: I'm from [E: your hometown]
Gustavo: I'm from São Paulo.
Alisha: Great job! These are very important phrases to know when meeting someone new, so be sure to keep practicing!


Well done!
Now, watch the scene one more time. After that,
go out and meet some people, and tell them where you're from — or tell us in the comments!

