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Hi, everybody and welcome back to Top Words. My name is Alisha, and today, we're going to talk about 10 TV-related Words. Let's go.
"To shoot/to film." The first expression is "to shoot" or "to film." Actually, we use these words here, "to shoot." "To shoot" means to take video, to record video. In a sentence, "This show was shot in England." "To shoot" becomes shot. "To shoot," shot in past tense. We can also use "to film." Film comes from kind of older cameras at where film, actual physical film was used. Now, of course we use mostly digital media that we use to shoot or to film video or to shoot a TV show, to talk about recording something for use in movies or TV.
"To broadcast/to air." These are words which mean to play a TV show on TV, to air a TV show, to broadcast the TV show. Recently, I feel like "to air" is more common like, "This TV show airs every week on Friday." In a sentence, "New episodes air every Friday." Actually, we use "broadcast" for our live streams on this channel. We could say like, "A live broadcast every week at 10 p.m. EST." That's true. So, we can say "broadcast" or we can say "air." I feel like "broadcast" is a little more natural for internet things. We don't really use "airs every week" for internet things. We use "air" for a TV. But yeah, "broadcast" would be more for internet programming, I think.
"To cast." The next expression, the next vocabulary word is "to cast." There are couple different meanings of this word. There's a fishing related word which means to throw out like a fishing line to try to get a fish. This motion is called "to cast." But, if you're reading something about your favorite TV show and you see "to cast," it means to choose someone to play a character. To choose someone to play a character is "to cast." So, for example, in a sentence, "Who was cast in the role of the princess?" So, "to cast" someone as a character is an expression we use. "Jennifer Aniston was cast as Rachel in Friends" or "Dean Cain was cast as Superman in the Superman TV show from the '90s," to give an American pop culture example.
"Cast." Okay. The next expression, however, is the noun form "cast." So, "cast" as a noun, not as a verb, as a noun. The "cast" is the group of actors and actresses who play the characters in the TV show or the movie you're watching. So, that's everybody. All of the actors and actresses are called the "cast" together. Their group is called the "cast." So, for example, "That show has an all-star cast."
"Season/series." The next expression or the next word is "season" or "series." Depending on which country, you may hear, let's see, "season." "Season" is usually used in the U.S. and "series" I think is used maybe in England and maybe in Australia, as well. So, "season" and "series," these mean roughly the years of a show. In a sentence, "How many seasons have you seen?" So, kind of like the chapters of shows. Over like maybe 10 weeks or 12 weeks or so, you might watch one season of a show. It usually has like 8 to 10, maybe 12 episodes, we'll talk about later. So, one season is like one year of a show.
"Episode." The next expression is "episode." So, "episode" is one, usually for a TV show, one 30-minute or a one 60-minute block of time. In a sentence, "Every episode of that show is so good." So, maybe each week, one episode airs from a TV show or two episodes air every week." So, an "episode" is one part of a season. So, for example, to use these two words together, we could say, "There are 10 episodes in every season of my favorite TV show." So, "episodes" are this kind of small blocks of time, small parts of each story.
"To run." "To run" is a verb that has many different meanings in English. Oh, we can't talk about them all in one video or even million videos. "To run," in this case, means how long a program is broadcast or how long a program airs for. So, we would say, "That show is running for six seasons." It means that show is going to be broadcast on TV for six seasons. And another example sentence, "That show ran for just three seasons." So, "to run a show" refers to the length of time that that TV program can be viewed on TV. There are maybe more example sentences better here. So, like, "This show has a planned run of 10 years" or "We want to run this again next year," for example. So, that means how often you want to broadcast.
"To be set in." The next expression is "to be set in." "To be set in" refers to the place where the story happens in the TV show. We can also use this for books and for movies. Any storytelling situation, you can use "to be set in." In this example sentence, "This show is set in New York City." The expression "to set in" can refer to place, yes, but it can also refer to the time period of a show. So, for example, maybe a show is set in the past, far in the past. You could say, "This show is set in the Old West" or "This show is set in Ancient China." "This show is set in England in the 1600s." So, that's the location and the time when the TV show is set. So, place and location, we can use "to be set in."
"To recur." The next word is "to recur." So, "to recur" means to happen again, something that continues, something that repeats, "to recur." So, we use this for characters and themes in particular, in TV shows. So, we might see a recurring character. That character is a recurring character in the series. They repeat, they appear again and again from time to time, not as a regular character, but they appear sometimes like supporting characters. In a sentence, "Joker is a recurring villain in the Batman series." He shows up from time to time. He's a recurring character, a recurring villain in this case.
"Script." The next word is "script." "Script" is the text for the show. So, "script" is the text that the actors and actresses read to tell you the story. It's the stuff that the writers create, and yeah, actors will read that. Those are the words for the show, the script. So, in a sentence, "The script of this show is really well-written." Fun fact, there is no script for this show, unscripted. Really, there's no script. Sometimes people are like, they're surprised to find out there's no script for this. Some people are like, "You're not reading anything?" I'm like, "No, of course not. Do you think that I was reading all that?" It's always so clear to me, like the episodes that come out where I have had to read something like for the postcard contest, for example. Just everything just slows down, like the vibe is so weird. Anyway, no script for this show.
That's the end. So, that's our 10 TV-related Words, and you can use some of these words with movies and other stories as well. Thanks very much for watching this episode of Top Words and we will see you again soon. Bye!

