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Hi, everybody. Welcome back to Top Words. My name is Alisha, and today, we're going to talk about 10 flower-related words. I hope you've been studying your science recently. Let's go.
"Stalk, stem."
The first word is "stalk" or "stem." The "stalk" or "stem" is the long piece of a flower, the long part that's in the middle that we can hold. For example, with roses, it's usually long and a bit thicker than the other parts of the flower, easy to hold on to. That part is the "stalk" or the "stem" of the flower. So, for example, when you buy a present, you can buy long-stemmed roses, a very long stem, or you should grab a flower by the stem, or how big is the stalk of this flower, for example. In another example sentence, "Cut the ends of the flower stalks."
The next word is "flower." So, we can use "flower" to mean every part, the whole flower. So, the pretty colored part at the top and the long stem, but actually, the "flower" refers to just this, the part at the top of the plant, not the whole thing, but a flower can mean just this part at the top. So, like a rose could be red or pink or white, for example. So, this part, the top with the petals and colors is the flower. In a sentence, "Flowers are so pretty."
"Bud." The next word is "bud." So, "bud" is the--it sort of looks like this. Well, not really. It's like a flower, before it becomes a flower. So, these are usually very small, and a "bud" opens to become a flower. So, I'm not doing a very good job with my hands here, but a "bud" usually looks like this, and then gradually over time, it opens to become a flower. This. So, "buds," maybe a flower that has many different buds on it, or you could say like, "Oh, I'm excited to watch the buds on the flower open," or in this sentence, "It's fun to watch buds slowly blossom." So, "blossom" means become a flower or become mature.
The next word is "petal." So, a "petal" is the part of a flower. So, flowers, the colorful parts usually are made of many different petals. There are petals that are maybe layered like this around the flower, but there are a lot of petals, a lot of small thin layers which make up a flower. So, these are very delicate usually, but this part of the flower is called the "petal." So, people like to pick petals off of flowers sometimes, or say rhymes maybe as they do it, especially in childhood. In another sentence, "Be gentle with petals or they'll fall off."
Alright, the next word, maybe the most important word on this list today is "pollen." "Pollen" is the stuff. "Pollen" is the substance that's in flowers that is used--the flowers use "pollen." It's the material to make new flowers, to fertilize new flowers. So, but "pollen" is something that humans are allergic to. "Pollen" may cause us to sneeze, have itchy eyes or runny nose, uncomfortable feelings, would be itchy skin. So, "pollen" is--sometimes it's that yellow or maybe white substance in flowers. Flowers use it to reproduce to make more flowers, but many humans are allergic to "pollen." So, you can say, "I'm allergic to cedar pollen," or, "I'm allergic to all pollen," I don't know, or, "What kind of pollen are you allergic to? Do you know?" or, "There's so much pollen on my shirt," for example. In this sentence, "I'm allergic to lots of different kinds of pollen."
The next expression is "pistil." So, "pistil" is a part of a flower, the inside part of a flower, part of the reproductive system, the part used to make more flowers. So, "pistils" are--we can think of as like the feminine parts of flowers. So, "pistils" produce flower seeds. They are the parts that make the seeds and flowers. A "pistil." So, yeah, in a sentence, "Pistils produce seeds."
The key part of a flower for flower reproduction is called the "stamen." So, if the "pistil" is like the female parts, the feminine parts of the flower, the "stamen" is the--like the male parts or the masculine parts of the flower. So, the "stamen" makes pollen. The "stamen" is responsible for making pollen. In a sentence, "Stamens make pollen."
The next word is a very interesting word, especially if you are studying science, maybe in junior high school. This word is "photosynthesis." "Photosynthesis" is a very important process. "Photosynthesis" is the process of converting, of changing carbon dioxide, CO2, to oxygen, O2. So, making air, essentially, air that humans can breathe from CO2, carbon dioxide, to oxygen, O2. So, "photosynthesis" is the process of this conversion, of this change. So, plants can do "photosynthesis." Pretty cool. So, in a sentence, "The process of photosynthesis makes oxygen from carbon dioxide."
The next word is "chlorophyll." "Chlorophyll" is another good word if you are maybe studying plants, or if you are studying science. "Chlorophyll" is the substance, the inside plants that makes them green. This is the thing; this is the substance that causes plants to have a green color. "Chlorophyll" is the reason for this. So, in a sentence, "Chlorophyll makes plants green."
The next word is "bouquet." So, this has a very interesting spelling. It's B-O-U-Q-U-E-T. But in English, we say "bouquet." A "bouquet" is a bunch of flowers. So, usually, these are very, very pretty. You can use them as gifts. Give them to people or just decorate your house with them. "A bouquet of flowers" is a bunch of flowers. So, let's see. "You should give your mother a bouquet for her birthday," or, "I bought a bouquet for my apartment last week," or, "Why don't we make a bouquet together?" In this sentence, "I got a beautiful bouquet of flowers yesterday."
So, those are 10 flower-related words. I hope those are helpful for you in describing flowers and maybe in picking out gifts. So, if you have any questions, or if you have any comments, please let us know in the comment section below this video. Thanks very much for watching this episode of Top Words and we will see you again soon. Bye.

