
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Resolution Broken
It's nearing the end of January, and I am sitting at a beautifully set table in a nice restaurant with my husband.The lights are low and soft, and they reflect in a spectrum of color off the fine crystal stemware.Polished silver forks lie prone on a spotless, white linen tablecloth next to a plate of almost translucent china.A five-layer chocolate cake complete with vanilla ice cream sits on that plate between us, staring me down, daring me to go ahead and take a bite.
I do.
"That lasted longer than most," my husband says, his mouth full of delicious dessert.
"Just leave me alone, why don't you," I say, taking yet another bite. "It's so good!"
"Yep," he says.
Yes, it's another year, and another year's resolution is broken.This is an eventuality that I have come to expect.Most of the New Year's resolutions I have made in my lifetime have had the common theme of depriving myself of something that I love…something that an authority has deemed "bad for you." Chocolate, sweets, tobacco, alcohol, sitting on the couch, watching all of the sequels to the movie "Halloween," you name it.If someone has said that it's bad for you, I probably like it.And I have made at least one resolution to give it up.
Perhaps this year, I will make a resolution to not make resolutions.Is that contradictory? Well, that's me. Perhaps I'll go with the Greek idea of the Golden Mean, something my favorite Founding Father, Ben Franklin, lived his life by. Everything in moderation. I'll make a resolution to give up the guilt associated with breaking my resolutions. Yeah, that's what I'll do. And, just maybe, I'll have another piece of that cake.

