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Beginner Season 1 , Lesson 17 - I Will Have Been in the U.S.
Daniel: Daniel here.
Chihiro: Chihiro here. Beginner series, season one, lesson seventeen. “I will have been here for Two Years.” Hello and welcome to the beginner series, season one at EnglishClass101.com, where we study modern English in a fun, educational format.
Daniel: So brush up on the English that you started learning long ago, or start learning today.
Chihiro: Thanks for being here with us for this lesson. Daniel, what are we looking at in this lesson?
Chihiro: This conversation takes place at a study hall at IU, Innovative University.
Daniel: The conversation is between Oksana and Vicky, 2 students of IU.
Chihiro: The speakers are friends, therefore the speakers will be speaking casually.
Daniel: Don’t forget - you can leave us a comment on this lesson.
Chihiro: So if you have a question or some feedback, please leave us a comment!
Daniel: It’s very easy to do. Just stop by EnglishClass101.com... Click on comments, enter your comment and name, and that’s it!
Chihiro: We’re looking forward to hearing from you! OK, let’s listen to the conversation.
Oksana: Over here, Vicky!
Vicky: Oh, there you are!
Oksana: How's it going, Vicky?
Vicky: Not bad, but I'll be even better when we finish.
Oksana: I know what you mean.
Vicky: So are you ready to study?
Oksana: Yup, thanks for helping me with this, I'll have finished my paper by midnight! Looking forward to being done!
Vicky: Hey, no problem, likewise! I'll have my paper finished too, which leaves me lots of time to complete my other homework!
Oksana: Well, the good part is that vacation is coming up.
Vicky: That's true. Do you have plans?
Oksana: Actually, I'm planning to visit my parents in Ukraine. I will have been in the U.S. for two years by next week, and I need to visit home.
Vicky: Oh, cool! Please take lots of photos!
Oksana: I will. Okay, we better get to studying.
Daniel: So, Chihiro, were you often working late on papers when you were in college?
Chihiro: Oh yes, it seemed like they were never ending! How about you, Daniel?
Daniel: Always! I had difficulty managing my time. Even now, actually.
Chihiro: Haha. I know what you mean.
Daniel: Listeners, how about you?
Chihiro: Yeah, are you usually working on projects until the last minute?
Daniel: Or, are you one of those people who gets everything done on time?
Chihiro: Please tell us in the comments section.
Chihiro: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
The first word we shall see is:
Daniel: paper [natural native speed]
Chihiro: flat material made from trees that is often white to write on
Daniel: paper [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Daniel: paper [natural native speed]
photo [natural native speed]
Chihiro: photograph; an image on paper
photo [slowly - broken down by syllable] photo [natural native speed]
Daniel: homework [natural native speed]
Chihiro: school work that is done at home
Daniel: homework [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Daniel: homework [natural native speed]
vacation [natural native speed]
Chihiro: leisure trip, trip taken only for enjoyment vacation [slowly - broken down by syllable] vacation [natural native speed]
Daniel: to study [natural native speed]
Chihiro: to spend time and attention to learn something
Daniel: to study [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Daniel: to study [natural native speed]
likewise [natural native speed]
Chihiro: similarly so, in the same way
likewise [slowly - broken down by syllable] likewise [natural native speed]
Daniel: semester [natural native speed]
Chihiro: division of academic year usually lasting from fifteen to eighteen weeks
Daniel: semester [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Daniel: semester [natural native speed]
to complete [natural native speed]
Chihiro: to finish something fully
to complete [slowly - broken down by syllable] to complete [natural native speed]
Daniel: parent [natural native speed]
Chihiro: person who brings up and cares for a child
Daniel: parent [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Daniel: parent [natural native speed]
midnight [natural native speed]
Chihiro: in the middle of the night, twelve o'clock a.m. midnight [slowly - broken down by syllable] midnight [natural native speed]
Chihiro: Let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Daniel: The first phrase we'll look at is, “no problem”. This is said in response to the expression of gratitude or regret, meaning that whatever the speakers are talking about is not causing any difficulties. In the dialogue, Vicky says to Oksana,
Chihiro: “Hey, no problem.”
Daniel: Which means that Vicky doesn't mind helping Oksana with her paper. Give us another example, Chihiro.
Chihiro: Sure, sorry for drinking your coffee this morning, Daniel.
Daniel: No problem Chihiro, I didn't want it anymore anyways.
Chihiro: This response means that Daniel didn't mind me drinking his coffee in the morning, right, Daniel?
Daniel: Well, right in the example, anyway.
Chihiro: Good. The next phrase we'll look at is, “coming up.” This is used to talk about things that are going to happen in the near future. Oksana says,
Daniel: “Well, the good part is that vacation is coming up.”
Chihiro: Which means that they are close to the vacation
period. Daniel, give us another example.
Daniel: We have more entertainment coming up after the break.
Chihiro: This example is most likely from television, meaning that the entertaining show is going to continue after the commercial break.

Lesson focus

Chihiro: In this lesson, we are focusing on the future perfect as in, “He will be eating there on Thursdays.” In Beginner Series, Season 1, Lesson 8 we learned about the perfect aspect. In this lesson, we focus on the combination of the perfect aspect and the future tense. This combination is usually called the future perfect tense. In Lesson 8 we explained that the perfect aspect’s core meaning is “prior” or “before”. This is in reference to another time in the context. And, in Lesson 15, we learned that the core meaning of the future tense using the modal “will” is “predictability”.
Daniel: Since you already know the core meaning of the future tense and the perfect aspect, you are already ready to look at verbs with the future perfect form and understand the grammar. You can notice the form of the perfect by the presence of “has”, “have”, or, “had” before the main verb and that the main verb is found in the form of the past participle (in other words, verbs that end with ~ed or ~en). In the case of the future perfect, we use the future form of “have”, which is “will have”. This shows that there is a future event that is the reference point. Chihiro, what’s an example?
Chihiro: I will have already eaten dinner when you come over.
Daniel: “Eaten” is the past participle form of “eat” and with the future form of have, that is, “will have” before it, the verb shows that the eating will happen “prior” to reference point in the context, which is, “come over,” a predicted future event. For more on the form of the perfect aspect, see the lesson notes in the PDF for Lesson 8.
Chihiro: Now, let’s look at examples from the dialogue to see how the future perfect is used. In the dialogue, Oksana tells Vicky,
Daniel: “I’ll have finished my paper by midnight!”
Chihiro: Here Oksana uses the perfect aspect, “have finished,” because she is talking about an event that will be finished before another event. In this case, the other event is a specific time in the future--midnight. And, because midnight is in the future, she uses “will” to show the future tense. She combines these to tell Vicky that before midnight, she predicts that she will be finished with her paper. So, we see that the future perfect is used to talk about future actions that will be completed prior to a specific time.
Daniel: The other use of future perfect in the dialogue comes when Oksana tells Vicky,
Chihiro: “I will have been in the U.S. for 2 years by next week.”
Daniel: Here we learn from Oksana that before next week comes, she will have her 2nd anniversary of being in America. Since this happens prior to next week, she uses the perfect aspect, with the words “have been.” And, since next week is in the future, she also uses “will” to show the future tense. She combines these to tell Vicky that she will reach the state of being in America for two years before next week. So, we can use the future perfect to describe a state or accomplishment that will be completed prior to another event or time.
Chihiro: So to review, we use the future perfect to talk about events that will be completed prior to a specific time and about states or accomplishments that will be completed prior to another event or time.
Daniel: As usual, by focusing on the core meaning of both the progressive aspect and the future tense, we can recognize the differences in meaning and use. Be sure to review the audio and notes for lesson 8 for more on the perfect aspect.


Chihiro: That just about does it for today.
Daniel: Ready to test what you just learned?
Chihiro: Make this lesson’s vocabulary stick by using lesson-specific flashcards in the learning center.
Daniel: There is a reason why everyone uses flashcards.
Chihiro: They work!
Daniel: They really do help memorization.
Chihiro: You can get the flashcards for this lesson at EnglishClass101.com
Daniel: OK, bye everyone.
Chihiro: Bye.

