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Beginner Season 1, Lesson 20 - Yes, I Will Come With You
Chihiro: Chihiro here.
Daniel: Daniel here. Beginner series, season one, lesson twenty. “Yes, I Will Come with You.”
Chihiro: Hi everyone, I’m Chihiro, and welcome to EnglishClass101.com.
Daniel: With us, you’ll learn to speak English with fun and effective lessons.
Chihiro: We also provide you with cultural insights and tips you won’t find in a textbook.
Daniel: In this lesson, you will learn how to ask yes and no questions
Chihiro: This conversation takes place in the dorms at Innovative University, IU.
Daniel: The conversation is between Vicky and Oksana, two students at IU.
Chihiro: The speakers are friends, therefore, the speakers will be speaking casually.
Daniel: Now before we listen to the conversation..
Chihiro: We want to ask you..
Daniel: Do you read the lesson notes while you listen?
Chihiro: We received an email about this study tip
Daniel: So we were wondering if you’ve tried it. and if so, what do you think of it?
Chihiro: You can leave us feedback in the comments section of this lesson.
Daniel: OK, let’s listen to the conversation.
Vicky: Hey, Oksana, will you be in town this weekend?
Oksana: Yeah, I'm not going anywhere in particular. Why, what's up?
Vicky: Well, have you heard about the study abroad information session at the student union? I think it's this Saturday.
Oksana: Oh yeah, I remember seeing a flyer on the bulletin board. I thought it looked interesting…are you planning on studying somewhere?
Vicky: Well, I'm interested in going to Germany since I'm learning German.
Oksana: Oh that's right, I remember you complaining about a class last semester…did you pass the class in the end?
Vicky: Barely. That's why I want to study in Germany, because I'll never be able to speak it if I don't go!
Oksana: That's a great idea! It'll definitely help you improve; it's helped me at least. And it's really exciting to live in another country! Is there any particular part you want to go to?
Vicky: Well, I have some relatives living in Berlin, and they tell me about it all the time.
Oksana: Well, wherever you go, I bet you'll find it worthwhile. So, sure! Let's go to the information session.
Vicky: Great! I'll let you know once I find out the time.
Daniel: Chihiro, Vicky’s plan sounds interesting!
Chihiro: It does, doesn’t it? Like Vicky, many university students may choose to go abroad to study in a different country. They may do this for educational reasons or simply for the experience.
Daniel: Right. The length abroad depends on each student; some may go for a semester, while others may spend a year overseas.
Chihiro: Those experiences abroad are definitely very exciting.
Daniel: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
The first word we shall see is:
Chihiro: town [natural native speed]
Daniel: populated area smaller than a city with certain government powers
Chihiro: town [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Chihiro: town [natural native speed]
to study abroad [natural native speed]
Daniel: to study in a foreign country for a certain length of time to study abroad [slowly - broken down by syllable]
to study abroad [natural native speed]
Chihiro: flyer [natural native speed]
Daniel: single page leaflet with information or advertisement on it
Chihiro: flyer [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Chihiro: flyer [natural native speed]
bulletin board [natural native speed]
Daniel: board for posting notices, announcements, and other information for people to see
bulletin board [slowly - broken down by syllable] bulletin board [natural native speed]
Chihiro: to complain [natural native speed]
Daniel: to express dissatisfaction or discontent
Chihiro: to complain [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Chihiro: to complain [natural native speed]
barely [natural native speed]
Daniel: hardly, only just
barely [slowly - broken down by syllable] barely [natural native speed]
Chihiro: definitely [natural native speed]
Daniel: absolutely, surely, will certainly happen or is certainly true
Chihiro: definitely [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Chihiro: definitely [natural native speed]
relative [natural native speed]
Daniel: person connected with another person by blood or marriage
relative [slowly - broken down by syllable] relative [natural native speed]
Chihiro: Berlin [natural native speed]
Daniel: capital of Germany
Chihiro: Berlin [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Chihiro: Berlin [natural native speed]
session [natural native speed]
Daniel: meeting of people for a single period of time session [slowly - broken down by syllable] session [natural native speed]
Daniel: Let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Chihiro: The first phrase we’ll look at is, “I bet”.
Daniel: This phrase is commonly used in English conversations and, it means “I’m sure”. In the dialogue, Oksana says to Vicky,
Chihiro: “Well, wherever you go I bet you’ll find it worthwhile.”
Daniel: Which means that she’s sure Vicky will find her experience abroad worth it.
Chihiro: Right. The word “bet” means to place something at stake, therefore, when used in such an expression, it shows that the person is sure enough to even risk a bet on it. Daniel, give us another example.
Daniel: I bet the food in that restaurant is delicious; it’s always so crowded.
Chihiro: In this case, Daniel is saying that although he has never been to that restaurant, he is certain that the food is good because of the crowd.

Lesson focus

Chihiro: The focus of this lesson is asking yes-no questions
Daniel: There are different ways to ask questions, and sometimes we ask questions that only require a yes or a no answer. There are two ways of asking such questions; one way is to use an existing auxiliary verb in the statement form of the question, and another way is to add the auxiliary verb “do”.
Chihiro: Right, let’s take a look at the first formation. Auxiliary verbs such as “be”, “can”, “may”, “have” that are in the statement form of a sentence are placed in front of the sentence to form a yes/no question. For example, in the dialog, Vicky asks Oksana,
Daniel: “Will you be in town this weekend?”
Chihiro: The statement form of this sentence is “You will be in town this weekend,” which means that “will” is the auxiliary verb in the sentence, which means that it needs to be moved to the beginning of the sentence in order to form the question
Daniel: Will you be in town this weekend?
Chihiro: Another example to clarify this formation is
Daniel: “Have you heard about the study abroad information session at the student union?”
Chihiro: Again, we need to take the statement form of this sentence which is “You have heard about the study abroad information session at the student union” and take the auxiliary verb “have” and place it at the beginning of the sentence. See Beginner Series, Season 1, Lesson 19 for more on auxiliary verbs.
Daniel: Good. Now, let’s look at the sentence...
Chihiro: “Did you pass the class in the end?”
Daniel: In this question, the statement would be, “You passed the class in the end,” which means that there is no auxiliary verb, therefore, the auxiliary verb “do” must be added on and changed according to the tense of the sentence. This is an example in the past tense, therefore “do” is changed into did. Here’s another question in the same structure.
Chihiro: Does he know where Audrey is?
Daniel: As you can see in this example, the statement is, “He knows where Audrey is,” and it does not have an auxiliary verb. Therefore, the verb “do” is added onto the beginning of the question while showing the present tense. See Beginner Series, Season 1, Lesson 9 for more on the simple present.
Chihiro: Here's an intonation tip, listeners. Generally, when asking questions, both constructions require the speaker to raise his/her intonation up slightly at the end.


Daniel: Good point. That just about does it for today.
Premium members, use the review track to perfect your pronunciation.
Chihiro: Available in the premium section of the website, the learning center,
Daniel: and through iTunes via the premium fee.
Chihiro: The review track gives you vocabulary and phrases, followed by a short pause so you can repeat the words aloud.
Daniel: The best way to get good fast.
Chihiro: See you all soon.
Daniel: Bye now.

