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Lesson Transcript

Beginner Season 1, Lesson 22 - Hurry Up!
Chihiro: Chihiro here.
Daniel: Daniel here. Beginner series, season one, lesson twenty-two. “Hurry up!” Hello and welcome EnglishClass101.com, the fastest, easiest, and most fun way to learn English.
Chihiro: I’m Chihiro, and thanks again for being here with us for this Beginner Series, Season One lesson.
Daniel: In this lesson, you will learn how to give commands and suggestions in a direct way.
Chihiro: This conversation takes place in the dorms at Innovative University, IU.
Daniel: The conversation is between Vicky and Oksana, two university students at IU.
Chihiro: The speakers are friends.
Daniel: Now, if you are listening on an iPod or an iTouch or iPhone...
Chihiro: Click the center button of the iPod, or tap on the screen of an iTouch or iPhone to see the notes for this lesson while you listen.
Daniel: Read along while you listen.
Chihiro: This technique will help you remember faster. OK, let’s listen to the conversation.
Oksana: Hurry up, the session is starting in five minutes!
Vicky: Coming, coming! Help me look for my notebook. I had it a minute ago. I must have dropped it somewhere around here...
Oksana: Don't tell me you lost it again! ...Wait, here it is, under the desk. We should run there, it'll be faster. Come on, let's go!
Vicky: Oksana, calm down! The opening is probably not going to be that important. You just need to be there for the core part of the session.
Oksana: I know, but you know me, I want to be there from the very beginning to the very end.
Vicky: Oh no! I told Mike that I would call him when we go to this! He said he wanted to come! I completely forgot!
Oksana: That's what I thought would happen…and so I already called him earlier today. He said he'll meet us at the student union. He's probably there already by now.
Vicky: Wow, Oksana, I've got to give it to you, you really are pretty organized, aren't you?
Oksana: I am, and you're DISorganizing me right now, so hurry up!
Vicky: Okay, I'm ready now, let's go!
Chihiro: I hope they make it on time.
Daniel: Me too. As mentioned in a previous lesson, the student union can be used to hold meetings or information sessions such as the one in the dialogue for students to attend.
Chihiro: That's right, a student union may have several meeting rooms for such occasions. It's convenient because everybody knows where it's located, and it also is the point for social gatherings.
Daniel: How often did you go to meetings at the student union?
Chihiro: Once in a while there was something I attended there. How about you, Daniel?
Daniel: Actually, most of the meetings I went to were at other places on Campus. However, I did spend a lot of time eating lunch and playing games there.
Daniel: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
The first word we shall see is:
Chihiro: notebook [natural native speed]
Daniel: blank or ruled book used to take notes in
Chihiro: notebook [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Chihiro: notebook [natural native speed]
to drop [natural native speed]
Daniel: to fall suddenly
to drop [slowly - broken down by syllable] to drop [natural native speed]
Chihiro: to calm down [natural native speed]
Daniel: to become peaceful or relaxed
Chihiro: to calm down [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Chihiro: to calm down [natural native speed]
completely [natural native speed]
Daniel: thoroughly, entirely
completely [slowly - broken down by syllable] completely [natural native speed]
Chihiro: organized [natural native speed]
Daniel: structured
Chihiro: organized [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Chihiro: organized [natural native speed]
core [natural native speed]
Daniel: central, the most important part
core [slowly - broken down by syllable] core [natural native speed]
Chihiro: desk [natural native speed]
Daniel: furniture often with drawers used for writing
Chihiro: desk [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Chihiro: desk [natural native speed]
opening [natural native speed]
Daniel: beginning part
opening [slowly - broken down by syllable] opening [natural native speed]
Chihiro: important [natural native speed]
Daniel: of great significance
Chihiro: important [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Chihiro: important [natural native speed]
to forget [natural native speed]
Daniel: to not remember something, to be unable to recall to forget [slowly - broken down by syllable]
to forget [natural native speed]
Daniel: Let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Chihiro: The first phrase we’ll look at is, “Hurry up”. This is used to tell somebody to act faster. In the dialogue, Oksana tells Vicky to hurry up, in other words, to move faster because Oksana wants to go to the study abroad session on time. Here's another example.
Daniel: You better hurry up because you're already behind schedule.
Chihiro: Here, Daniel is urging somebody to act faster because they're already late. Be careful when using this phrase though, because it's not a particularly polite request.
Daniel: OK, The second phrase we're looking at is, “A minute ago”. This is used to refer to something that happened just a short while ago. It doesn't necessarily have to be under a minute, but short enough to feel like it was within a very close time frame. In the dialogue, Vicky says that she saw her notebook a minute ago, which means that a very short period ago, she knew where the notebook was. Here's another example,
Chihiro: Mike was here a minute ago; I don't know where he went.
Daniel: In this sentence, Mike was here not long ago, and now Chihiro doesn't know where he is.
Chihiro: OK, now let’s look at the grammar point.

Lesson focus

Daniel: The focus of this lesson is imperatives as in the sentence, “Help me look for my notebook”. Throughout the Beginner series, you may have noticed characters in the dialogue talking in a very direct manner, giving orders here and there. This way of speaking is called the imperative form.
Chihiro: Depending on the speaker's tone and the reason for using the imperative, this style can be used to make suggestions, give advice, make invitations, or even encourage people. The form of imperatives is the base form of verbs. Often, the subject is left out because it is understood that the word “you” is the subject.
Daniel: An example of an imperative as a command is,
Chihiro: Come here!
Daniel: The subject in the sentence is understood to be the listener, but we do not usually say,
Chihiro: You come here.
Daniel: In the dialogue, Oksana says,
Chihiro: Hurry up!
Daniel: Here, Oksana is commanding her friend to move faster, and she uses the imperative to do so. As you can see, the imperative is the dictionary or base form of the verb. It is short and is a strong expression. Another example from the dialogue is when Vicky says to Oksana,
Chihiro: “Help me look for my notebook”. Let's talk about negative imperatives now. These are formed by placing the words “do not” or “never” at the beginning. An example of a negative imperative is,
Daniel: Don’t walk on the grass.
Chihiro: And an example from the the dialog is when Oksana tells Vicky,
Daniel: “Don't tell me you lost it again”
Chihiro: meaning that she hopes Vicky has not lost her notebook. This auxiliary can also be used in the affirmative, as in
Daniel: do be quiet
Chihiro: Which is different from be quiet in that it sounds more polite. See Beginner Series, Season 1, Lesson 19 for more on auxiliary verbs like the word “do”.
Daniel: We didn’t see these in this lesson’s dialog, but imperatives can also be used for giving advice and making invitations. An example of the imperative as advice is, “Call the student adviser for help with your forms.”
Chihiro: And an example of an imperative as an invitation is “Visit us for dinner soon.”


Daniel: Well, that just about does it for today. Now don’t forget to stop by EnglishClass101.com and pick up the lesson notes.
Chihiro: It has the conversation transcripts, vocab, sample sentences, a grammar explanation, and a cultural insight section.
Daniel: Seeing the English really helps you remember faster.
Chihiro: But don’t take our word for it. Please have a look for yourself
Daniel: And let us know what you think.
Chihiro: Take care, everyone.
Daniel: Bye, guys.

