Vocabulary (Review)

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Hi everybody, my name is Alisha. Welcome to the "2000 Core English Words and Phrases" video series. Each lesson will help you learn new words, practice, and review what you've learned.
Okay, let's get started. First is:
Short is the opposite of long. We can use "short" to talk about an object, how long an object is, and we can also use it to talk about how tall (or not tall) someone is. If someone is not tall, we can describe them as short. Here's an example:
"The father is tall, but the son is short."
A brand is a company, usually, that creates a specific product, and a brand is usually known for something. For example, like a specific style, a certain level of quality, a special look, or maybe a special smell or taste, depending on the industry. So, a brand has an image and a feeling associated with it, and it's usually made by a company. Here's an example sentence:
"Which brand of computer are you looking for?"
Size refers to how big or how small something is. We can use "size" to talk about physical objects, like maybe a house for example, or something small that we wear on our body as well. So we can use numbers to talk about size, and we can use words like "big" and "small" to talk about size. But size refers to how large or small something is. Here's an example:
"What size pants do you wear?"
Style refers to a specific way of doing something, usually something that is visual, something that we can see, or something that we can hear, taste, or experience. So, we use the word "style" to talk about art and creativity a lot. Our favorite artist has a specific type of style, which means they do their art or their creative work in a specific way that is very unique to them. Here's an example:
"Some people develop a style of their own."
Fashionable means something that has good fashion qualities about it. We can describe people as fashionable, which means they have a good sense of fashion, and we can describe places as fashionable as well. This means that at the moment they match the trends or they match the styles that are very popular. So when something or someone is considered fashionable, it's considered a good thing.
Here's an example:
"Reading trendy magazines will inform you as to what is fashionable."
"Loose" is an adjective. This is the opposite of "tight." We use "loose" a lot when we talk about our clothing. So something that is loose is very easy to wear. It does not fit closely to the body. It's something that we can put on and that will often flow around the body very easily. It's not going to be very, very close to you. So it's something that we can wear comfortably.
Here's an example sentence:
"A loose-fitting garment can make you look larger."
"Tight" is the opposite of "loose." Something that is tight, or clothing that is tight, is something that fits very, very closely to the body. It's something that doesn't flow a lot. It fits very, very closely — very close to the skin. So we can often see the shape of our body when we wear things that are tight.
Here's an example:
"These boots are too tight."
"Neat" can be used in a couple of different ways as an adjective. In a very general sense, "neat" can mean "great" or "nice." We can also use "neat" to mean the same thing as tidy, clean, or put together — very organized. When we talk about something relating to clothing and someone says "you look very neat," it can mean it looks nice, or it can mean that you look very put together, like your whole outfit goes together very well and you look, in a good way, very nice.
So here's an example:
"That suit gives you a neat look."
Silk is a little bit more of an expensive material. Silk is a fabric that we use to make clothing, often very luxurious-feeling clothing. It's used for dresses, tops, and skirts. We see it a lot in women's clothing, and you might also see it in things that you might use in your household, like, for example, maybe pillows or something that you use on your bed.
Here's an example:
"The textile factory creates fabrics from cotton, linen, and silk."
"Medium" is one of the most basic sizes that we have for clothing. Generally, when we are shopping for clothing, we can choose from small, medium, and large sizes. And there might be an extra small or an extra large, or maybe even extra, extra small and extra, extra large. And maybe even more beyond that. "Medium" is generally somewhere right in the middle of all the sizes.
Here's an example:
"When I lose weight, I wear a medium shirt."
Let's review. I'm going to describe a word or phrase in English. See if you can remember it. Then repeat after me, focusing on pronunciation. Ready?
Do you remember how to say the word that is the opposite of "tall"? We use it to talk about how long something is or how not tall a person is.
And do you remember how to say the word that refers to a company that makes a specific style of product?
What about the word that refers to how big or how small something is, expressed in numbers or with words like "big" and "small"?
Do you remember how to say the specific way a creative person makes something, like fashion or an artwork, or perhaps even food?
Let's try the word that means something or someone that demonstrates a good sense in terms of what is currently trendy.
What about the word that refers to something that does not fit very close to the body, something that is very flowy and easy to wear?
Now, let's see if you remember how to say something that fits very closely to the body, something that might be difficult to put on.
Another one, what about the word that can mean "nice" or "great" but can also mean looking very tidy and well-organized?
Do you remember how to say the fabric that is often used for more luxurious things, like beautiful dresses, skirts, and tops?
And finally, do you remember how to say the size that's usually right in the middle of all the other sizes that you can buy when shopping for clothes?
Well done! See you next time! Bye!

