Lesson Transcript

Hi, everybody. My name is Alisha. In this video, I'm going to talk about 10 creative ways you can wish someone a happy birthday. Of course, we know how to say "happy birthday" to express this idea to someone else. But, how can you make this message a little more personal? Let's look at 10 ideas.
Let's start over here. First is this expression, "I hope it's the start of a great year for you!" "I hope it's the start of a great year for you." So, typically, we say something like this after we say, "happy birthday." So, at native speed, this would sound like, "Happy birthday! I hope it's the start of a great year for you." This "it's" refers to "your birthday," I hope it is. So, "I hope your birthday this year is the start of a great year for you."
Okay. The next expression is, "Congratulations on another trip around the sun!" "Congratulations on another trip around the sun!" So, this "trip around the sun" refers to the earth moving around the sun one time. So, one year on Earth. So, this is kind of a funny way to say you went around the earth -- or rather, you went around the sun one time. Great job! Congratulations! So, make sure you use "congratulations on" in this expression. "Congratulations on another," make sure to use "another" here, yeah, not "other." "Congratulations on another trip around the sun!"
Okay. Next one, a very sincere and simple expression. "Happy birthday! Wishing you a great day!" "Wishing you a great day!" Please note, we don't use "wish you a great day." I wish you a great day. You might say, "I hope you have a great day!" That's quite nice, like we use "I hope" up here. But, this one, "Wishing you a great day!" sounds like in this moment, I am wishing you a great day. But, interestingly, we generally don't say, "I am wishing you a great day." We often start this expression with just, "wishing." So, "Wishing you a great day!"
Okay. The next expression is, "Happy birthday to a great friend! What would I do without you?" So, this is a really sincere and kind expression that you can use, in this case, for a great friend. Of course, you could change this to someone else that's important in your life. "Happy birthday to my wonderful mother," for example. Or, "Happy birthday to my favorite coworker," whatever. You can choose a different expression here to refer to the person you're speaking with. But, this expression is very nice. "What would I do without you?" "What would I do without you," means if I did not have you in my life, what would I do? I don't know what I would do. So, this is like saying, "You're very important to me. I don't know what my life would be like if I did not have you." So, this is a very nice, very sincere expression.
Okay. Next one is a little bit funny. "Happy birthday! You're another year older (and wiser, hopefully)!" So, "you're another year older." So, "another year older," means you have gone up one year. You have become one year older. And, this one is a little funny, "and wiser, hopefully." So, to be wise means to have lots of knowledge about the world, right? To have lots of life experience. Someone who is wise has lots of life experience and can deal with the challenges and the ups and downs of life. So, "hopefully," this person is saying, "you became older and you are a little wiser now, too." So, you have some more life experience that you can use to make your life better, hopefully. So, adding "hopefully" here shows a little bit of a joking feeling, too. A little wiser, hopefully. So, I hope that you learned something this year.
So, these are some very sincere expressions and some very kind of cheeky expressions. Some expressions that have kind of a joking feel, a little bit of a joking feel but are still very positive.
Okay. Let's go to the other side. On this side, we have a couple of expressions for people who like to party on their birthday. For example, "Happy birthday! Don't go too crazy at your party!" So, this "Don't go too crazy at your party," means the other person has a birthday party plan, and the speaker is saying, "Don't go too crazy." So, that means have fun, but don't do too much. "Don't go too crazy at your birthday party!"
Here's another one that's more sincere. "Happy birthday! You mean the world to me!" "Happy birthday! You mean the world to me!" "You mean the world to me," it's like saying, you, in my life is so important to me. "You are like my world." So, you would say this to someone who is very, very close to you. Maybe like your parent, or maybe your husband or wife, boyfriend or girlfriend, someone who is very, very important in your life. "You mean the world to me!"
Okay. The next one, "Have an awesome day! I'm so glad we're friends!" "Have an awesome day! I'm so glad we're friends!" I use this one with my close friends. I've received this message from my friends before, too. So, when you want to wish someone a happy birthday, and wish someone in a very positive way, and confirm and express that you are happy to be friends with that person, you can use this. "Have an awesome day! I'm so glad we're friends!" You could use this with the co-worker, I suppose, too. Like, "Have an awesome day! I'm so glad we have the chance to work together!" Something like that could be very positive, very friendly, and express that you like working with that person. So, this is very nice. "I'm so glad we're friends!" Or, "I'm so happy we're friends!"
Okay. The next one. Another kind of party-related expression. "Let's pop the champagne and celebrate!" "Let's pop the champagne and celebrate!" So, this "pop the champagne," champagne is a drink that we often have at formal occasions. So, like weddings or other big celebrations. It's in a big bottle. And, to "pop the champagne," means to open the champagne. We say, "pop the champagne," because when we open champagne, it makes a /pop/ sound. A really big /pop/ sound, a pop sound. So, we say, "Let's pop the champagne and celebrate!" So, "Let's have some champagne to celebrate." It's a way of saying, "Let's have a party and celebrate your birthday!"
Finally, one more party expression. "Happy birthday! Let's get the party started!" "Let's get the party started!" So, that means someone is very eager to have the birthday party. Like, let's enjoy! Let's celebrate together! Let's get the party started! So, we use this verb "to get," let's get the party started. This is like a set expression. You could say, "Let's start the party!" But, this "Let's get the party started!" It sounds a little bit more like kind of rough, and casual, and fun. "Let's get the party started!"
So, here are a few expressions you can use for people who like to have big birthday parties. Thanks very much for watching this lesson, and I will see you again soon. Bye!

