
Vocabulary (Review)

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Imagine you're going to meet your friend at his office, but before you can talk to him, you need to talk to the receptionist. How would you do it?
Hi. Alisha here.
Checking in with a receptionist in English is easy. In this lesson, you'll learn how.
Gustavo has come to meet his old friend George Silva at his office.
Let's watch!
ALTA Secretary: Good morning, welcome to ALTA.
Gustavo: Good morning. I have a 10: 00 a.m. appointment with Mr. Thomas
ALTA Secretary: Your name, please?
Gustavo: Silva.
ALTA Secretary: Just a moment, Mr. Silva.
ALTA Secretary: I'm very sorry, but Mr. Thomas' meeting is running a little late.
Gustavo: Oh.
ALTA Secretary: He should be out in few minutes, though.
Gustavo: OK, no problem.
ALTA Secretary: Then, please have a seat over there. I'll call you when Mr. Thomas is ready to see you.
Gustavo: Sure.
Now with subtitles!
ALTA Secretary: Good morning, welcome to ALTA.
Gustavo: Good morning. I have a 10: 00 a.m. appointment with Mr. Thomas
ALTA Secretary: Your name, please?
Gustavo: Silva.
ALTA Secretary: Just a moment, Mr. Silva.
ALTA Secretary: I'm very sorry, but Mr. Thomas' meeting is running a little late.
Gustavo: Oh.
ALTA Secretary: He should be out in few minutes, though.
Gustavo: OK, no problem.
ALTA Secretary: Then, please have a seat over there. I'll call you when Mr. Thomas is ready to see you.
Gustavo: Sure.
appointment (slow) appointment
moment (slow) moment
meeting (slow) meeting
should (slow) should
sure (slow) sure
Phrase and Usage
Alisha: In the scene, how did the receptionist greet Gustavo after he said good morning?
Receptionist: Welcome to ALTA
Alisha: First is the phrase
Brandon: Welcome to
Alisha: Last is the business name
Brandon: ALTA
Alisha: Together it's
Brandon: Welcome to ALTA
Alisha: This phrase can be used anytime and anywhere to welcome someone to a new place, including any business. Now you try! Say the receptionist's first line to Gustavo.
(freeze action, cue for viewer to speak)
Brandon: Welcome to ALTA
Alisha: In the scene, how did the receptionist ask Gustavo to wait for a moment?
Receptionist: Just a moment
Alisha: First it the word
Brandon: Just
Alisha: And next is the phrase
Brandon: a moment
Alisha: together it's
Brandon: Just a moment
Alisha: This is a polite way of asking someone to wait for a short period of time. Now you try! Say the receptionist's line to Gustavo when he asks him to wait.
(freeze action, cue for viewer to speak)
Receptionist: Just a moment
Alisha: In the scene, what phrase does the receptionist use to tell Gustavo that Mr. Thomas will be late?
Secretary: Mr. Thomas' meeting is running a little late.
Alisha: First is a name with a possessive s sound at the end
Brandon: Mr. Thomas'
Alisha: Next is the word
Brandon: meeting
Alisha: After this is the word
Brandon: running
Alisha: Next is the phrase
Brandon: a little
Alisha: And last is the word
Brandon: late
Alisha: Together it's
Brandon: Mr. Thomas' meeting is running a little late running a little late
Alisha: The phrase (Brandon: running a little late) describes a person or thing that is behind schedule. In this case, the phrase is used to describe Mr. Thomas' meeting. Now you try! Say the line that the receptionist uses to explain that Mr. Thomas will be late.
(freeze action, cue for viewer to speak)
Receptionist: Mr. Thomas' meeting is running a little late.
Alisha: Do you remember the phrase Gustavo and the receptionist used to greet each other at the beginning of the scene?
Gustavo: Good morning
Alisha: First is the word
Brandon: good
Alisha: Next is the word
Brandon: morning
Alisha: Together it's
Brandon: Good morning
Alisha: You can adapt this structure to use it in several situations. First say
Brandon: good
Alisha: Then say the time of day. This can be morning, afternoon, or evening. Now, you try! Imagine you're greeting the person taking your breakfast order at a coffee shop.
Brandon: Good morning
Alisha: Now, imagine you're greeting business partners at an afternoon meeting.
Brandon: Good afternoon.
Alisha: Do you remember the sentence Gustavo used to tell the receptionist about his appointment?
Gustavo: I have a 10:00 a.m. appointment with Mr. Thomas
Alisha: First is the phrase
Brandon: I have a
Alisha: Next is the time
Brandon: 10:00 a.m.
Alisha: After this is the word
Brandon: appointment
Alisha: Next is the word
Brandon: with
Alisha: and finally, you add the person who you are meeting with
Brandon: Mr. Thomas
Alisha: Together it's
Brandon: I have a 10:00 a.m. appointment with Mr. Thomas.
Alisha: You can use this structure to explain the details anytime you have an appointment. The structure is
: I have a [Brandon: time] appointment with [Brandon:person].
: Now you try! Imagine you have an appointment to see Dr. Smith at 2:00 p.m. What would you say to check in?
Brandon: I have a 2:00 p.m. appointment with Dr. Smith.
Alisha: Now, imagine you have a 9:00 a.m. meeting with the Director of Marketing. What would you say to the receptionist when you arrive?
Brandon: I have a 9:00 am meeting with the Director of Marketing.
Alisha: Do you remember what Gustavo said after the receptionist told him that Mr. Thomas was running a little late?
Brandon: Ok, no problem.
Alisha: First is the word
Brandon: Ok.
Alisha: Next is the phrase
Brandon: no problem
Alisha: Together it's
Brandon: Ok, no problem.
Alisha: This expresses agreement and understanding. Now you try! Imagine you ordered chocolate ice cream but the waiter says they only have vanilla. How would you express that you are ok with vanilla ice cream?
Brandon: Ok, no problem.
Alisha: Imagine you're trying to schedule a doctor's appointment and after you request a 9:00 appointment, the receptionist offers you a 10:00 a.m. appointment instead. If you want to accept his offer, what would you say?
Brandon: Ok, no problem.
Alisha Let's practice! This is your chance to check in for an appointment in English. Try to remember what you learned and practice speaking! You arrive at a company's office for an appointment with a friend who works there. Ready? Here we go.
Alisha What would you say to the receptionist to greet her if your appointment is in the morning?
(5 second pause)
Brandon: Good Morning
Alisha How do you tell the receptionist that you have an appointment with your friend, Mr. Thomas, at 10 am?
(5 second pause)
Brandon: I have a 10:00 a.m. appointment with Mr. Thomas
Alisha The receptionist asks you your name. How do you answer?
receptionist Your name please.
(5 second pause)
Brandon: [your name].
Gustavo Silva.
Alisha Unfortunately, you're told that Mr. Thomas is still in a meeting and are asked to wait. How do you respond?
(5 second pause)
Brandon: Ok, no problem.
Alisha Great job! You've just mastered the basics of checking in with a receptionist in English. Be sure to keep practicing!


Well done.
Now, watch the scene one more time. After that,
go and practice with all your American friends — or with us in the comments!

