Vocabulary (Review)

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In this video, you'll learn 20 of the most common words and phrases in English.
Hi everybody, my name is Alisha.
Welcome to The 800 Core English Words and Phrases video series!
This series will teach you the eight hundred most common words and phrases in English.
Ok! Let's get started! First is…
1. "conditioner"
Conditioner is something we use for hair care. We usually use it after shampoo, this makes our hair shiny and soft.
"Rinse with conditioner."
2. "deodorant"
Deodorant is something that we use to help prevent unpleasant smells coming from our body.
"He bought a new deodorant."
3. "liquid soap"
So liquid soap refers to soap that is in liquid form. This is different from something like bar soap which is solid.
"Do you have liquid soap?"
4. "duck"
Duck as a noun refers to a very common bird. Usually, you'll find them at parks, ponds, lakes, and so on.
"The ducklings follow the mother duck."
5. "crow"
A crow is a very common bird; it's all black and it's often very noisy.
"Crows are among the smartest birds."
6. "cockroach"
A cockroach is a very small creature. It's a dirty pest and usually people don't want them in their house.
"A cockroach has six legs, wings, and antennae."
7. "mosquito"
A mosquito is a very small bug. Most people know them because they land on you, bite you, and it becomes very itchy afterwards.
"Dragonflies eat mosquitoes."
8. "construction worker"
A construction worker is someone who works on a construction site, which means a place where a building is being made or some kind of maintenance is happening.
"The construction worker is measuring wood."
9. "homemaker"
A homemaker is a person who usually stays in the home to take care of kids, to take care of the home, to prepare meals, and so on. Men and women can be homemakers.
"The hardest worker anywhere is the homemaker."
10. "ice"
Ice is frozen water. We usually like to drink it in summer to make our drinks cold.
"Ice has formed on the window."
11. "history"
History refers to the past. It's a topic of study in school, we learn all about the things that happened in the past.
"You can learn a lot from History, as things tend to repeat themselves."
12. "geography"
Geography refers to the study of the world, this means memorizing the names of countries and the positions of countries, or even cities, states, regions, and so on.
"She did not like to study geography."
13. "store"
A store refers to any place that sells something. There are many different types of stores like supermarkets or shoe stores and so on. A store is the general word.
"I'm going to the store to buy some milk and eggs."
14. "market"
A market is a place, often outdoors, where individual sellers can sell things to their customers.
"We buy our fruits and vegetables at the local market."
15. "price"
Price is a noun; it refers to the cost of something in a store.
"What is the price?"
16. "coupon"
A coupon is something on paper, or in some cases digital, that you can use to get a discount for a product.
"I have a coupon for 50% off, so let's eat there."
17. "aisle"
An aisle is the open space between two rows of things. For example, like rows of seats on an airplane or between shelves in a supermarket; the open space is the aisle.
"I would like to sit in an aisle seat, in case there is an emergency."
18. "bag"
A bag refers to something that we use to carry things, it can be big or small.
"My bag is too heavy."
19. "photograph"
A photograph is a picture. This word is a noun. Photograph and picture generally refer to the same thing; photograph might sound a little more formal.
"This photograph doesn't look good."
20. "soda"
Soda refers to a drink that has bubbles in it, it is a non-alcoholic drink. You might also hear it called pop.
"Soda contains a lot of sugar."
Well done! In this lesson, you expanded your vocabulary and learned 20 new useful words.
See you next time! Bye-bye!

