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In this video, you'll learn 20 of the most common words and phrases in English.
Hi everybody, my name is Alisha.
Welcome to The 800 Core English Words and Phrases video series!
This series will teach you the eight hundred most common words and phrases in English.
Ok! Let's get started! First is…
1. "rose"
A rose is a very common and very popular flower. It's very commonly associated with romance, it's given as a romantic gift or sometimes just as a friendly gift.
"I was given a white rose."
2. "flower"
Flower is a plant that has a generally very colorful and often good smelling part. Many people like to pick flowers and give them as gifts to others.
"There are many types of flowers in the park."
3. "lily"
A lily is one type of flower. Generally, lilies are white; they might look very very pure and have kind of a peaceful appearance about them.
"She bought some lilies on her way home."
4. "sunflower"
A sunflower is a very bright flower; it's generally yellow or orange, and many people think of sunflowers as being very cheerful.
"The field is full of sunflowers."
5. "dandelion"
A dandelion is a small bright yellow flower. Lots of people think of this as kind of a nuisance as a pest flower because it's very very easy for a dandelion to grow anywhere. Lots of people like to blow on dandelions and make wishes as they do.
"Dandelions are eaten in soups and salads in some places."
6. "traveling"
Traveling simply means moving from one place to another. When we talk about traveling, we sometimes are talking about traveling for business, going someplace for business; though we can also use it to talk about vacation for fun.
"Traveling requires a lot of preparation."
7. "exercising"
Exercising refers to moving the body like running or jogging or doing yoga. We do some kind of physical motion to improve our health or to keep our body in good shape.
"The woman is exercising on the floor."
8. "workout"
So a workout refers to an exercise routine, like your exercise plan for a day or a session or a month, for example.
"A 30-minute workout every day can improve your health."
9. "reading"
Reading is the simple act of looking at words on a page and taking them into your mind. So reading is a very very common hobby, many people love reading, whether it's books or newspapers or magazines.
"I really like reading books."
10. "playing cards"
Playing cards used as a noun refers to what's called a deck of cards where we have numbers from ace through two to ten included, and then we have a jack, a queen, and a king. So a set of these is called playing cards, those are called playing cards. When we use these to play a game, we use the expression to play cards. For example,
"We often play cards on a warm summer evening."
11. "earring"
An earring is a type of jewelry; we wear earrings in our ears. Many people have places for earrings at the base of their ears, though you can also wear them up at the top of the ear. A good way to remember earring is to break the word into two parts - "ear" and "ring." This can help you to remember; it's a ring (though not always in a ring shape) that goes in your ear.
"Big earrings are fashionable."
12. "necklace"
A necklace is another type of jewelry; we wear a necklace around our neck. So again, we can break this word into two parts to help us remember the word, "neck" is the first part and "lace" is the second part. So today, although we don't usually wear lace around our neck as jewelry, it's still a type of decoration, so this can help us to connect the meaning with the word in our mind.
"How much is that diamond necklace?"
13. "ring"
A ring is a type of jewelry that we wear on the finger. Men and women wear rings very very commonly.
"The jeweler showed me a beautiful ring."
14. "boxer shorts"
Boxer shorts are a very common type of underwear, typically men wear them but really anybody can wear them if they decide to.
"Boxer shorts are an undergarment for men."
15. "skirt"
A skirt is a type of clothing; we wear skirts from the waist down. They can be very short skirts or very long skirts. Many women like to wear skirts but these days anyone can wear whatever they like.
"She is wearing a yellow skirt."
16. "hamburger"
A hamburger is a very very popular type of food. A hamburger in the most basic sense of the word is a patty, so a piece of meat usually made of beef, though sometimes of pork, and it is between two pieces of bread. This is a hamburger.
"I have just ordered a hamburger."
17. "cheeseburger"
A cheeseburger is just like a hamburger. So a hamburger is a piece of grilled meat and it's between two pieces of bread; a cheeseburger is different because we put cheese on top of the meat between the pieces of bread.
"A cheeseburger is a hamburger with a slice of cheese."
18. "pizza"
Pizza is a very common and very popular food all around the world. Pizza, very simply, is a large piece of bread that we call crust, it's very very thin bread and there's typically a sauce on top, in addition to meats, cheeses, vegetables, whatever you like.
"Pizza is an Italian dish, but it is a popular dish around the world."
19. "hot dog"
A hot dog is a food that's very commonly eaten at sporting events in the USA and in other countries as well. A hot dog is a piece of meat (usually a type of pork that is quite long) and it's inside two pieces of bread; usually as toppings, we have mustard or ketchup or maybe other things as well.
"I prefer hot dogs at a BBQ."
20. "tip"
A tip is something that you might not have in your country; it's like an extra amount we pay after a service situation. So typically, when you go to a cafe or to a restaurant in the USA or in some other countries, after your meal, after you have your experience there, it's common to leave what's called a tip. So it's extra money that you give to the server at that place to thank them for their service.
"Do not forget to leave a tip for the waiter or waitress."
Well done! In this lesson, you expanded your vocabulary and learned 20 new useful words.
See you next time! Bye!

